Friday, November 26, 2021

Bat Minions - Week 6 - Orcas

 This week Tane, Marley and I were learning about orca/killer whales. 1 thing I learned is that there are 200 species of orca. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Motivational Video - Third Grade Drop Out

 What inspires me to learn? : The teacher inspires me because she is encouraging me with what I can do when I get older.

What do you want to be when you are older? Why do you want to be that?. I want to be a builder because it makes lots of money.

Chapter 3 - City of Ember

Doon pushed the main pipe door open. Then the pipe director showed Doon the girl who is going to show Doon what to do. 

They used black goop and tools to do the job. When Doon was sent to tunnel 97 he heard a rumbling noise. It was a river. When Doon saw the river he was soooo surprised!. He had never seen a real river before. He had only imagined what one looked and sounded like. He thought a river was like a tap but horizontal.

Sunday, September 6, 2020